Forbes and Fifth

From the Editor

Dear Readers,

Thank you for engaging with the 22nd volume of Forbes & Fifth! This volume draws attention to overlooked subtleties in both pop culture and the world we live in, as well as themes of empowerment. It features a wide range of genres and topics, highlighting the broad nature of the content within Forbes & Fifth.

I fell in love with the journal because of what it offered to the contributors–a prestigious place to publish as an undergraduate. It allows all writing styles and types of content to be featured: from creative writing to nonfiction to art. As my undergraduate career has come to a close, I began to reflect. I pondered: what does Forbes & Fifth mean to me? It means opportunity–not only for the contributors but for the editors. Forbes & Fifth has helped me grow as a writer, student, and person. The contributors–published and unpublished–produced amazing work that I still think about to this day. They allowed me to see a glimpse into their world–into their mind, and that access changed me. They made me think more critically, question authors, and look deeper into the hidden meanings and “coincidences” that are not coincidences at all; but messages strategically placed by the clever yet underestimated writers. Like most changes, I did not recognize it while it was happening, but rather in a moment of silent reflection. I invite you to think about what the journal means to you and how you have changed since you picked up your first volume–whether that was volume 1 or volume 22.


Emma Porter

Volume 22, Spring 2023